
Claude Provencher inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts


Claude Provencher, Senior Associate in Provencher_Roy, was inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts at a ceremony attended by 2014 academicians and previously elected members. The ceremony took place at the Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton at the annual President’s Dinner on May 17. The Royal Canadian Academy of Arts is an honourary […]

Michel Dallaire joins PROVENCHER_ROY


The firm PROVENCHER_ROY is very pleased to welcome Michel Dallaire, a pioneer in industrial design in Quebec and Canada, as a member of its group. He will continue to work in industrial design and contribute to various multidisciplinary projects as a senior consultant. “It is an honour and a privilege to have such an exceptional […]

Unveiling the design of future Champlain Bridge


Arup-led team delivers an unprecedented and innovative definition design for the New Bridge for the St. Lawrence in Montreal. A successful partnership between engineers and architects creates a place-sensitive, iconic bridge design. MONTREAL (June 27, 2014) –Arup, Dissing+Weitling, and Provencher Roy Associés Architectes are delighted to reveal the design of the New Bridge for the […]

A new glass envelope for the Ritz-Carlton Hotel


Provencher_Roy Architectes has signed its name to the restoration and expansion of the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, one of the architectural heritage gems in Quebec’s largest city. “The project involved a major contemporary updating of a heritage building,” noted Claude Provencher, senior partner in Provencher_Roy. “It was quite a challenge to provide the hundred-year-old hotel with a […]

Îlot Balmoral


The City of Montreal and the Société d’habitation et du développement de Montréal (SHDM) look forward with pride to welcoming the National Film Board (NFB) to its new home in the future Balmoral Block, a landmark in the Quartier des spectacles (Entertainment District) that will give the NFB a marquee presence on the Place des […]

Canadian Interiors’ Awards – Best of Canada 2014


INSTITUTIONAL AWARD Consortium: Menkès Shooner Dagenais Letourneux / Provencher_Roy Architectes CASINO DE MONTRÉAL – PUBLIC SPACES AND GAMING AREAS The important retrofit project of the Casino de Montréal, which spread over four years, responded to the challenge of simplifying the building’s indoor and outdoor circulations, improving the quality of the gambling, recreational and dining areas […]

Gold LEED certification for Biodiversity Centre of Université de Montréal


Last October 28th, the Biodiversity Centre of Université de Montréal received a LEED Canada NC (New Construction) Gold Level. Located on the Botanical garden’s site, the Biodiversity Centre is a joint project between the University of Montreal’s Arts and Science Faculty and the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale. The project consists of two buildings with […]



Text : Madeleine Champagne / Magazine Intérieurs # 65 – Grands Prix du Design UNE FORCE TRANQUILLE C’est la musique, qui a porté cet homme. Associé fondateur de Provencher_Roy, Claude Provencher est considéré comme l’un des instigateurs de la nouvelle architecture urbaine issue de la fin des années 1970 au pays. Cette force de la […]



The Heritage Montreal Foundation has appointed Claude Provencher as a “Pierre angulaire” of the Foundation for its exemplary commitment to the organization and for the promotion and protection of the architectural, historic, natural and cultural heritage of Greater Montreal. For 35 years, Héritage Montréal has worked to promote and to protect the architectural, historic, natural […]