Guillaume Martel-Trudel

Partner, Architect, OAQ, LEED Fellow, SP ENV

A graduate of Université du Québec à Montréal in Environmental Design, the École des Hautes Études Commerciales in Management and Sustainable Development, and the École d’architecture de l’Université de Montréal, Guillaume Martel-Trudel has substantial training to support his practice as an architect and sustainability specialist. He joins Provencher_Roy in 2011 and is appointed partner in 2021, contributing to more than sixty LEED, WELL and ENVISION certified projects.

Guillaume Martel-Trudel is Provencher_Roy’s expert in sustainability, and as such develops and implements sustainable strategies for the practice’s projects. He also excels at coordinating integrated design strategies in architecture as well as in sustainable engineering, throughout the design, construction and operation phases. He has worked on projects of all scales, such as the rehabilitation and modernization of the Place du Portage III federal complex, the construction of the Hélène-Desmarais university pavilion for the HEC, and the upgrading of the Valcartier military technology park and the construction of a Research and Development Centre for Defence Canada.

Since 2018, he has served as Chair of the Canada Green Building Council’s Technical Advisory Group on Materials and Resources. He is a regular speaker at green building events and is the 2019 recipient of the Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC) Leadership in Technical Expertise ED LIM Award for his contribution to the advancement of the LEED program in Canada.