Awarding admission scholarships to the Master’s degree at UdeM

On September 5, Provencher_Roy had the pleasure of awarding three entrance scholarships to students from the École d’architecture of the Université de Montréal during the vernissage of the Arquitetura No Meio exhibit. The latter presents students’ work of the 2018 hors les murs workshop which took place in Brazil.
These master’s admission scholarships are awarded to students who have distinguished themselves for the excellence of their portfolio and academic record in the Bachelor of Science – Architecture. The partners Gerardo Perez, Urban Planner, and Eugenio Carelli, Architect, were among the jury. In addition, Eugenio Carelli and Sonia Gagné, Architect and Partner, were present to give out the awards to the winners. The exhibit continues until September 17, 2018.
Photo (from left to right): Jacques Lachapelle, Director of l’École d’architecture de l’Université de Montréal, Sonia Gagné and Eugenio Carelli, partners at Provencher_Roy, and winners, Alexandra Dion-Fortin, Jérôme Généreux and Louis Dupin.