Sonia Gagné becomes a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Sonia Gagné, senior partner and architect at Provencher_Roy, becomes a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (@IRAC).
Sonia is one of 29 new Fellows, and the only architect from Quebec for 2022. A Fellow of the RAIC College is a member of the RAIC who has achieved professional eminence or has rendered distinctive service to the profession or to the community at large. Sonia’s award-winning leadership and involvement in the Montreal community (Château Ramezay, Montreal Downtown, Women’s Street) complements her qualities as an innovative architect in the health, cultural, transportation and commercial fields.
Whatever the scale of intervention, she believes that architecture is a powerful tool to catalyze urban issues, strengthen the identity of an area and stimulate dynamic and sustainable citizen ownership.