Jean-Sébastien Morin

Collaborator, M. Arch.

Jean-Sébastien Morin earned a bachelor’s in architecture in 1994, followed by a master’s in urban planning (urban design specialization) in 1996, from Université de Montréal. With a specialization in institutional projects largely in the education and health care fields, he has acquired over 25 years of experience in architecture and urban planning. Jean-Sébastien is wonderful at synthesizing architectural and urban challenges in the creation of high-quality concepts integrated to their contexts and adapted to the needs and exigencies of clients and users.

As a lead designer, Jean-Sébastien collaborates on many innovative and avant-garde school projects. For example, he worked on école primaire Sans-Frontières elementary school in Saint-Jérôme, a project in which his team integrated a solid wood frame with the objective of  reducing the carbon footprint as much as possible – a first school to do so in Québec. He was also at the helm of design for Baril Elementary School (awarded the Prix d’excellence, Public Institutional Buildings of the OAQ in 2019). Exemplifying the current movement of 21st-century schools in Québec, this new building construction integrates restoration, renovation, and enhancement of the original historic portal entrance.

Jean-Sébastien also collaborated, as design lead, on the innovative école Paul-Émile Borduas elementary school project. The school features a grape-like arrangement of classrooms, each with their own entrances; the opening up of living spaces; and creation of a dynamic main hallway as a place for human contact. Furthermore, the addition of LOMFAR, small spaces between classrooms, enables greater flexibility in the layout of teaching areas, and adaptability to the pedagogical formula most conducive to the needs of each group.

Enriched by all of these experiences, Jean-Sébastien collaborates on all projects with the objective of challenging codes and setting new trends. His idealism and perseverance have earned him the admiration of his peers.