RAIC 2016 Urban Design Awards : Technopôle Angus – Phase II receives an urban design award

Aerial view

Provencher_Roy is the recipient of a 2016 National Urban Design Award from the RAIC / Architecture Canada for the Technopôle Angus – Phase II project.

The development plan for the Technopôle Angus’ îlot central, steered by the Société de développement Angus (SDA), aims first and foremost at fostering job creation on one of the last vacant lots of the real estate complex. Abreast of the latest trends concerning employment hubs and industrial parks around the globe, the SDA wishes to establish a genuine and dynamic living environment on the site. To this end, the plan proposes a denser, innovative built environment, an affordable on-site residential component, and the creation of quality public spaces.

Five key orientations inform the development plan:

  • job creation;
  • harmonious integration into the existing urban fabric;
  • ecological management of the built environment and infrastructures;
  • appropriation of the site by locals;
  • project profitability.

The RAIC’s National Urban Design Awards celebrate excellence in urban design, emphasizing the important role it plays in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in Canadian cities.